Young Citizen of the Year 2017 Finalist – Anna Gaskell

Anna Gaskell, Aged 10, made it to the finals for extraordinary level of support she dedicates to her best friend Leah who has Cerebral Palsy.

Anna Gaskell, who is in Year 6 at Askam Village School, helps support Leah in the classroom, around school and out of school.  She is incredibly kind and patient, and yet encourages Leah to be as independent as possible. This is something Anna has done since a very young age.

Not once does Anna ever complain. Nothing is too much lba17_ycitz_anna-gaskell_resize-for-blogtrouble for her. The bond between the two of them is very special and heart-warming. They are friends for life. Anna is so positive with a great sense of humour. She is encouraging without being bossy.

Leah without doubt benefits hugely from everything that Anna does. It allows Leah to rely less on adult support wherever possible. Leah has become more independent in school. Leah speaks out more and is fully integrated into all aspects of school-life. The class as a whole are extremely supportive of Leah, and a large part of this is down to Anna who sets the standard and is an outstanding role-model. Leah enjoys school, and Anna’s warm smile, gentle encouragement, sense of humour and an uncanny sense of initiative certainly contribute in no small part to this.

Leah’s parents are extremely appreciative of what Anna does for their daughter.    Anna’s teacher, Mr Cairns said “I don’t think I have ever been privileged to see such a special relationship between two children. Anna is one-in-a-million.”



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Peoples Choice Award Sponsor

With thanks to Blake Henderson Ltd for sponsoring this award

Each text vote costs your normal network text message charge.

One free vote may be made online by visiting

Voting closes at 6.00pm on the Sunday 19th February 2017. Any votes received after then may be charged but will not be counted.

The winner will be announced at The Love Barrow Awards on Friday 10th March 2017 and will be announced via Facebook and Twitter also.


Young Citizen of the Year 2017 Finalist – Reece Jackson

Reece Jackson, Aged 10, made it into the finals for the bravery and help he gave to his mum when she fell and hurt herself in the street.

On January 29th 2016, Reece Jackson and his mum were walking to
Reece’s cubs meeting at Knox St Hall, Walney,when Reece’s Mum, Zoe, slipped and fell, seriously breaking her leg.

Reece,  stayed calm and tried to catch the attention of passing lba17_ycitz_reece-jackson-resize-for-blogcars while Zoe tried to get her mobile out got but becuase of the pain, was struggling to make the call for an ambulance.

Reece, while reassuring his mum, took the phone from her and called the ambulance and gave his mum the phone so she could speak to the ambulance.

Due to the intense pain, Zoe, could not recall which street they were on, so Reece took it up on himself to go in search of the street name and when he could not find one, he approached a dog walker and asked for help, they both returned to his mum, and the dog walker was able to help give the ambulance directions.
When the ambulance arrived, Reece gave them all the information they needed and then contacted his dad who was at work.  Reece arranged with his dad that he would go to the hospital with his mum and that his dad should collect his older sister from guides.

Without Reece’s quick thinking and calm head, that night, Zoe could have ended up without help for much longer than she did.

The injuries Zoe ended up with, left her in a cast for over 8 weeks. Reece along with his older sister, did the washing up, sorted washing out, loaded the washing machine, pegged clothes out, hovered dusted and brought her food and drink.

Reece also had to walk to school for the first time on his own with his older sister on the days where his dad was at work.  Mum Zoe said “I am so very proud of my children and consider myself to be very lucky, truly believe that it is children like this that make the future of our town and its community brighter.”


TEXT  LBA3 to 82055

Peoples Choice Award Sponsor

With thanks to Blake Henderson Ltd for sponsoring this award

Each text vote costs your normal network text message charge.

One free vote may be made online by visiting

Voting closes at 6.00pm on the Sunday 19th February 2017. Any votes received after then may be charged but will not be counted.

The winner will be announced at The Love Barrow Awards on Friday 10th March 2017 and will be announced via Facebook and Twitter also.